Monday, August 23, 2010

An Easy Remedy for Toothache

An irritated tooth can be distracting, but quick relief is possible if you just continue reading.

To start with, you must know something about toothaches and the reason for them. There are actually two types of toothaches. The first kind of toothache is a result of the tooth coming in contact with extreme heat or coldness. You may have noticed that when you eat cold, hard ice creams you feel a certain ache in your tooth. This pain is caused because our tooth enamel is sensitive to extreme temperatures. Obviously the best way to avoid such toothaches is to avoid eating foods which are either too hot or too cold.

There is another kind of toothache which is caused by an infection in the tooth or gums. A toothache of this nature, which also includes swollen gums, really causes a lot of pain. Since the pain is diffuse, it will often be difficult to localize the treatment. You may think that your front tooth is what is causing you pain, but the real culprit maybe a back tooth.

Several natural remedy for toothache methods exist. For example, try to breath through your nose and expel air from your mouth. Doing so will help you avoid congestion in the nostrils caused by cold.

A toothache can be a result of nausea, fear, anxiety, etc. Such cases of toothache can be best cured by treating the original disease itself. All too often, the affected area will radiate pain beyond its immediate surroundings.

An easy method shown in the 12 hour toothache cure is to utilize a fundamental method for acupuncture I've honed throughout time and utilized with success in several instances. Hold the top of the index finger tightly and to create a circular "O". Next, look at a faraway object like your garden or office. Once this is done neither the nausea nor the tooth pain will be an issue.